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00:00:00 - Father came from Carolina to Dayton and Genesee and worked on farm instead of homesteading

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Father came from Carolina to Dayton and then Genesee. Rather
than homestead in the timber, he worked on a farm. He bought
land without even walking on it; his gradual accumulation of
land from Indians. Father's banjo. He came in late 1880's.

00:08:00 - People travelled little and made so with what they had at home

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: There was little travelling around then; people made do with
what they had at home. A lady came from town to make soap.
Butchering. Progress to machines from stock.

00:12:00 - Explanation of why father used mules

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Why father used mules instead of horses - less worry about
handling by the men. "Cold shouldered" horses and horse
trading. Acquiring mules.

00:20:00 - Father's farming operation, borrowed from bank to expand; partnership with Mr. Driscoll

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Pictures of the operation. Father a good manager, and building up
was slow. Borrowing from the bank to expand. Partnership
with Mr. Driscoll, who owned Genesee hardware store and
financed his father's management. Each owned a thousand
acres until the thirties when their children took over. Father
gave instructions; but did not do the work himself. Pressure
of production in partnership; father's offer to buy out Driscoll's
share of a crop.

00:30:00 - Father's wage for managing; his farm work as a boy

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Father's wage for managing. Working during threshing was
disciplined. His farm work as a boy. As a partnership he was
paid as an incentive.

00:39:00 - Size of farm crew compared to transients; many of men came out of Carolina; father acted as foreman

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Size of farm crew. They contracted for threshing. Local
crews compared to transients. Getting transients from the jungle
at Genesee; they were often problems. Many of his local men
had come out from Carolina. Father acted as foreman. The
men worked well for him; they had pride in their work, and had
to make a living. IWW threat never materialized in the fields;
they didn't want transient help to become disgruntled.

00:52:00 - Need for close management of the operation

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Need for close management of the operation. Difference
between his set-up and that of most people. His operation the
largest in the area.

00:55:00 - Buying young pigs from the small farmers around Enterprise

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Buying young pigs from the small farmers around Enterprise
and elsewhere, to be turned out on the waste in the fields. Grazing shepherds on summer
fallow and wheat foliage.

01:00:00 - Hogs harvested the peas; rotation of crops; plowing and haying; small rodeos

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Hogs harvested the peas. Peas began to be raised in the thirties,
Rotation of fall wheat, fall barley and summer fallow. Time
of planting and harvesting. Plowing was slow work. Haying at
the beginning of July, hoping to get off for the fourth. Small
local rodeos. The tremendous change from early years; can
it continue to change as fast?

01:10:00 - Chautauqua activities; Genesee horse shows

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Chautauqua activities,
the shows; heaving to sell their tickets at a loss in bad years.~
Genesee horse show was for showing horses.
His father and others had to underwrite

01:18:00 - Moving into town so children could go to high school; school activities and entertainment

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Playing in straw stacks. Moving into town in the fall so the
children could go to high school. Social activities at Jain
School were only entertainment for country folks; dancing
gradually switched to town. Parents had little involvement in
town social life.

01:29:00 - Serious interest in singing at the University; sang at night clubs in San Francisco but gave it up as career

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: His serious interest in singing at the University. He sang in
night clubs in San Francisco after graduating, but decided to
give it up as a career, (continued)

01:30:00 - Opportunities for singing in the area.

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Opportunities for singing in the area.

01:33:00 - Aggressiveness of farmers and presence of University Inventions by local farmers patented

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Aggressiveness of farmers related to presence of University
Inventions by local farmers were later patented by national
companies. The innovations in machinery came from the farmers
because of the incentive to improve. Mechanization through

01:42:00 - His study of agricultural engineering

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: His study of agricultural engineering was useful orientation, but
not practical in itself. He took over farm in 1938.