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00:00:00 - Kendrick Flood

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Kendrick flood (1900) caused by breaking of dyke in train wreck.

00:04:00 - Kendrick Fire

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Kendrick fire (1904). Tents for meals and materials to
rebuild. The fire destroyed their hack at the blacksmith shop.
Watching the fire from a bluff. It started from sawdust on a
saloon floor. Extent of destruction. Almost all businessmen

00:14:00 - Interest in Dentistry

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: He became interested in dentistry from his best friend in the
Navy. He enlisted rather than be drafted, and was stationed at
Pearl Harbor.

00:19:00 - Dental training at the University of Oregon

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Dental training at the University of Oregon Dental College. Two
women dental students. Working his way through at the beanery:
students who worked all passed their exams, while many of the
others failed. He also delivered newspapers, and took care
of the furnace for his room; his wife worked at Meier and
Frank. How they met. A Chinese student whose father was
a rich importer. He drove a milk delivery truck in the summer.

00:29:00 - The Chinese cook at the St. Elmo Hotel

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: The Chinese cook at the St. Elmo Hotel. The kids threw
rocks on his tin roof, and he gave them Chinese candy at

00:30:00 - Jean Chinaman

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Jean Chinaman and his produce business. High water table in
Kendrick. His civic activities in Kendrick.

00:36:00 - History of his dental office

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: History of his dental office. Except for position of the
patient, dentistry is virtually the same as it was fifty years
ago. A local blacksmith who practiced dentistry. Bovill
dentist's dirty office.

00:41:00 - Masonic activities

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Masonic activities - the honor of being chosen. Masonic social
gatherings. Prestige of membership.

00:47:00 - Baseball rivalry was very popular

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Baseball rivalry was very popular. Fourth of July.

00:49:00 - Moonshiners vs. gumshoes

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Moonshiners vs. gumshoes. He transported moonshine for
a family to get paid for his dental work. A trip to the Ozarks.

00:55:00 - Trade for dental work

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Trade for dental work - a dozen live chickens. Trustworthiness
of people for credit. In a farming community people ate well
in the depression. His wife agreed to live in a small town for
five years only:advantages of a small town.

00:59:00 - People seldom brushed their teeth

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: There was less tooth decay then than now, because there was
little sweet food and coarser grained foods. People seldom
brushed their teeth.

01:00:00 - Decline of food quality

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Decline of food quality. People were healthier; when they got
really sick they died. Decayed teeth were extracted, and there
was little bridge work. People could stand pain and often
didn't want Novocaine. Men used a row boat to get to the local
whorehouse during the flood. Poor diet caused gum disease
and made tooth-pulling easier. Early dentures - they were
called "bundle racks".

01:08:00 - Styles; Grandfather; Handwriting

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Styles. Grandfather. Good handwriting.

01:15:00 - Dental work for the Nez Perce

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Dental work for Nez Perce - he spoke some Nez Perce, and
treated them just as his other patients. His wife doesn't like
his misuse of English. He never saw the Klan, but heard there
were pocket membership cards; Klan developed from Birth
of a Nation.

01:23:00 - His veterinarian friend Van

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: His veterinarian friend Van, who filed horses' teeth. They
tried to help Van's son, who became a drug addict and finally
committed suicide. Van didn't have a license because he didn't
take a third year of school. He was a heavy drinker. As a child
he got laudanum for stomach aches.

01:29:00 - Frank B. Robinson's operation

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Frank B. Robinson's operation. He and other college students
in Moscow formed a house to cut costs.

01:30:00 - He couldn't afford a fraternity

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: He couldn't afford fraternity living at Moscow. Most people
were poor. Low cost of food.

01:35:00 - Mother's hard work at home

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Mother's hard work at home. Chores at home for the children.
Youth's Companion was the only magazine at home; the
twice weekly Spokesman-Review was the only paper. His
parents wanted the children to grow up away from town and its
bad influences. Cutting hay on their hillside. He had to work
after a pitchfork went through his hand. Working in onions
for 35 cents a day.

01:43:00 - Money was no consideration for him entering dentistry

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Money was no consideration for him in entering dentistry.
Dentistry was a better than average living. Gifts from patients
Long days and no vacations. Watering his yard.